Children & Family Services

2020 Vision Youth is dedicated to proactively assisting individuals, families, and communities achieve healthy behavior and lifestyle.

2020 Vision Youth’s Community and Family Services Program provides  families with in-home direct aide in addressing gaps in physical and behavioral health knowledge to increase academic achievement.

This comprehensive approach, ensures that the 2020 Vision Youth Community and Family Services Program is well-positioned to make a significant and lasting impact on the community it serves. All strategies and activities conform with federal, state, county, local, and District regulations and requirements.

They align with Karen Mapp and the California Professional Standards for Educations Leaders and CORE Districts in transforming Education. Services are available in English and Spanish with participants’ access to translation services and American Sign Language.

Services Offered

  • 1.    In-Person and Virtual Well-being Services: Direct support, wrap-around services, and referrals and linkages to essential services that strengthens relationships and capacity of families and key stakeholders and promote well-being and overall health.
  • 2.    Participant Resources Provided (available for youth and adults):
    • a)    All services are available to be delivered in-home, in-person, virtually, by phone, via Telephone, and video conferencing.
    • b)    Case Management, Intake, Participant Assessment, Life Plan Development
    • c)    Resource Referrals such as Mental/Behavioral Health/Substance Use Therapy, Health Services (health-related appointments, health screenings, vaccinations, and dental services), Rehabilitation Services, and Essential Living Supports.
    • d)    Provide translation services and access to translators in multiple languages including American Sign Language.
    • e)    Multilingual and Multicultural Community Outreach and Engagement
    • f)      Participant System Navigation proficiency training.
    • g)    Transportation Support: Coordinate access to transportation supports for families without transportation to resources or health-related appointments.
    • h)    Workshops, Webinars, Trainings, and Community Events (translated in multiple languages)
      • I.        Best Practice for Managing Social Determinants of Health
      • II.       Job Readiness and Workforce Development
      • III.     Health Education and Healthy Lifestyle
      • IV.    Life Skills (financial literacy, anger management, pro-social behaviors, etc.) 
    • i)      Mentoring, Tutoring, Academic Support
    • j)      Career Development – Feeder Program to health professions courses and degrees with Loma Linda University, IEHP, San Bernardino Valley College, and California State University San Bernardino.
  • 3.         Administrative Support Provided:
    • a)    Community Needs Assessments: Assist the District at large District-sponsored events to facilitate focus groups and parents surveys to determine needs in the community.
    • b)    Provide an experienced responsive customer service team to implement and administer a community-based social-emotional learning and positive school culture and climate measurement.
  • 4.   Educational Support for Parents: In-home or virtual services to educate parents on integrating learning with health management and disease prevention.
  • 5.   Data and Analytics Services: Utilizing data to understand health patterns and root causes of prevalent health issues.

Technology Integration

1.         Data Analysis Tools: Provide tools for the District to track and analyze health data among students, identify trends, and strategize improvements in academic achievements linked to health.

2.         GIS Mapping: Equip the District with Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping to facilitate informed decision-making and identify barriers faced by families.

Goals and Objectives


1.    Enhance Family and Community Engagement: Strengthen the ties between schools, families, and community resources to build a supportive network for students and parents.

2.    Improve Physical, Mental, and Educational Health Outcomes: Provide essential health services and education to improve the overall well-being and academic performance of students.

3.    Facilitate Access to Resources and Services: Ensure families have seamless access to necessary health, educational, and social services.


1.    Immediate Goals: Enhance the ability of the District to understand and address student health issues through immediate data visualization and analysis.

2.    Long-term Objectives: Build a sustainable model that empowers families and strengthens the District’s capacity to maintain continuous health improvement.

We collaborate with outside agency partners to appropriately serve the needs of a variety of people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental handicaps.

For Additional Resources and Services, Visit